Just for a Start, it's Worth Knowing about
- Especially significant in maintaining a positive mental state and balanced mood
- Omega 3 is science backed, to aid in weight loss
- Studies show may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease
- Involved in mediating inflammatory responses and lung function
- Reducing over-all inflammation affects, immune function, and joint comfort
- Lengthens telomeres, which makes a slows down aging
The study showed that most overweight but healthy middle-aged and older adults who took omega-3 supplements for four months altered a ratio of their fatty acid consumption in a way that helped preserve tiny segments of DNA in their white blood cells.
These segments, called telomeres, are known to shorten over time in many types of cells as a consequence of aging. In the study, lengthening of telomeres in immune system cells was more prevalent in people who substantially improved the ratio of omega-3s to other fatty acids in their diet.
Omega-3 supplementation also reduced oxidative stress, caused by excessive free radicals in the blood, by about 15 percent compared to effects seen in the placebo group.
“The telomere finding is provocative in that it suggests the possibility that a nutritional supplement might actually make a difference in aging,” said Jan Kiecolt-Glaser, professor of psychiatry and psychology at Ohio State and lead author of the study.
In another recent publication from this study, Kiecolt-Glaser and colleagues reported that omega-3 fatty acid supplements lowered inflammation in this same group of adults.
“Inflammation in particular is at the heart of so many health problems. Anything that reduces inflammation has a lot of potentially good spinoffs among older adults,” she said.

“… a nutritional supplement might actually make a difference in aging…”
Weight Loss and Omega-3
Boosts Metabolism
Your basal metabolic (1) rate tells you the number of calories your body needs to function daily. The higher this rate is, the easier it is to lose weight.
Omega-3 (2) can provide a big boost in this area!
In fact, one study found that with just 3 grams of omega 3 taken daily, metabolic rates in older women were increased by 14%. This would equate to an extra 187 calories burned each day.
Burns Fat
Burning calories does not necessarily mean that you are burning fat. But, omega-3 fatty acids can actually help with both.
A study published in the International Journal of Obesity found that with at least 1.8 grams of omega-3 taken daily, individuals burned 25% more fat than those in the study who did not take omega-3.
Reduces Hunger
Omega-3 has been known to suppress appetite (3)and reduce hunger, which plays a huge role in your success.
One study found that omega-3 proved very helpful in obese individuals trying to lose weight as it increased their leptin levels.
Leptin (4) is an important hormone that sends signals to parts of your brain communicating feelings of fullness and reduced appetite.
Enhances Effects of Exercise
Omega-3 has been known to increase your body’s ability to burn fat and calories when sweating.
For women in particular, omega-3 supplementation has been known to increase caloric burn by 10% and fat burn by up to 27% during exercise. (5)
Now you can check your levels yourself!
CLICK HERE for Omega Quant’s (At Home) Omega-3 Index Plus Test

Omega-3 fatty acids may interact with aspirin or warfarin. In addition, Omega-3 fatty acids may interact with cholesterol lowering statin medications. Omega-3 fatty acids may affect the metabolism of certain medications, including cyclosporine, and may also affect the efficacy of topical corticosteroid treatment.*
*The statements herein have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease