Life is a gift …traveling the path your journey leads you with the best possible navigation is a great goal. I really get that…you know those unexpected surprises? The good and bad, are best met with what you know works.

"Having the experience to see a negative go full circle and
become a positive is the most amazing gift of all."
Sherrlyn Christmas

I am Sherrlyn and I believe in and practice “integrative wellness” at Advanced Nutrition Center.
As a degreed Clinical Nutritionist with unique insight for others, I am humbled everyday watching how the body responds when given the formula for healing. You’re an individual not a clone; deserving the right to be well in a polluted world. For most of my life I’ve been researching about how to have the best health while living life. Since that was not a genetic gene given to me from the get-go; the topic became a forefront in everything I did I wanted to know, what is the magic formula or is there one? Why do some people struggle with their weight, while others seemingly can eat anything? Why are some people chronically ill or always sick? I learned different health modalities can become a strength or a weakness. Depending on how they are combined and choosing the right one for you, the correct dosing, and the right timing etc. is crucial to your success. Just because they are good doesn’t mean it’s right for you. My commitment is to continually bring the very best of what I’m living and learning with safety, honesty and integrity.
Revolutionize Your Health
I am excited to be able to save you a few steps and shorten your distance to the goal line. I know health affects every aspect of your life. With 1000’s of hours in private practice, consulting and educating people of all ages.
The unwell and hopeless have been a bridge of health for me…hearing their experiences everyday- what has worked and what didn’t has been a voice of what healing means. Now I can resound what needs to be told – making the connection.
… but just a reminder, the most important step? Is making the mind up to change now! There is no miracle diet or pill that can bring you to that realization…you get there by the way you think. Change your thinking and the body will follow!
So that’s what I did….made up my mind not to be sick and to have my best life! It’s all about what works for you from the inside out.