Take the Free Neuro Assessment and Discover How You Can Better Support Your Brain
Have you ever walked into a room and forgot why you’re there? Or forgot a thought in mid-sentence? These “brain-fog moments” are, in brief, caused by dying brain cells… not to mention anxiety and depression. It’s actually NOT age-related, its lifestyle related, and you definitely can take action against this! …Recent research is showing that you don’t have to settle for a declining brain.
Scoring: Never= 0 points; Sometimes= 1 point; Often = 2 points; All the Time = 3 points

1. Do you have memory lapses?
◯ Never ◯ Sometimes ◯ Often ◯ All the Time
2.Do you have trouble remembering words, phrases or names?
◯ Never ◯ Sometimes ◯ Often ◯ All the Time
3. Do you struggle with constipation?
◯ Never ◯ Sometimes ◯ Often ◯ All the Time
4. Are you experiencing a slower mental response?
◯ Never ◯ Sometimes ◯ Often ◯ All the Time
5. Do you feel your comprehension has diminished?
◯ Never ◯ Sometimes ◯ Often ◯ All the Time
6. Do you find yourself making a lot of simple mistakes in your daily tasks?
◯ Never ◯ Sometimes ◯ Often ◯ All the Time
7. Do you feel like your creativity or imagination has decreased?
◯ Never ◯ Sometimes ◯ Often ◯ All the Time
8. Do you notice difficulty in word re-calling when speaking?
◯ Never ◯ Sometimes ◯ Often ◯ All the Time
9. Do you frequently forget everyday things, like where you put your keys?
◯ Never ◯ Sometimes ◯ Often ◯ All the Time
10. Are you experiencing dry eyes or dry mouth?
◯ Never ◯ Sometimes ◯ Often ◯ All the Time
Total Score:
If you score is 18 or above you may have problems with acetylcholine deficiency. Acetylcholine is one of the most important brain chemicals. Lack of can cause memory lapses, blood flow, creativity and more.

1. Do you consider yourself more of a night person when you know you should be in bed?
◯ Never ◯ Sometimes ◯ Often ◯ All the Time
2. Do you have irregular sleep patterns?
◯ Never ◯ Sometimes ◯ Often ◯ All the Time
3. As a woman, do you have PMS or menopausal moodiness? As a man, experience moodiness?
◯ Never ◯ Sometimes ◯ Often ◯ All the Time
4. Do you have feeling of dependency of others?
◯ Never ◯ Sometimes ◯ Often ◯ All the Time
5. Do you require perfectionism of yourself and have a strong need for control or you have a sense of guilt?
◯ Never ◯ Sometimes ◯ Often ◯ All the Time
6. Do you have cravings for the wrong carbs such as sweets, alcohol, evening or before bed?
◯ Never ◯ Sometimes ◯ Often ◯ All the Time
7. Do you feel more susceptible to pain; possibly fibromyalgia, muscle pain or even TMJ?
◯ Never ◯ Sometimes ◯ Often ◯ All the Time
8. Do you feel overwhelmed with ideas to manage?
◯ Never ◯ Sometimes ◯ Often ◯ All the Time
9. Are you a workaholic or easily addicted to food, entertainment, alcohol, sugar, or other indulgences?
◯ Never ◯ Sometimes ◯ Often ◯ All the Time
10. Do you have feelings of anger or depression more than you should?
◯ Never ◯ Sometimes ◯ Often ◯ All the Time
Total Score:
If you score a 20 or above, you are probably experiencing symptoms of low serotonin. Depletion of Serotonin can attribute to sleepless nights, and is especially known as a mood stabilizer,

1. Do you procrastinate dealing with your issues?
◯ Never ◯ Sometimes ◯ Often ◯ All the Time
2. Have unhealthy addictions been an issue for you?
◯ Never ◯ Sometimes ◯ Often ◯ All the Time
3. Do you struggle with overcoming past hurts or losses?
◯ Never ◯ Sometimes ◯ Often ◯ All the Time
4. Do you suffer from chronic pain in your body?
◯ Never ◯ Sometimes ◯ Often ◯ All the Time
5. Does your body respond well to opioid medications?
◯ Never ◯ Sometimes ◯ Often ◯ All the Time
6. Do you have a tendency to impulsive behavior?
◯ Never ◯ Sometimes ◯ Often ◯ All the Time
7. Do you crave pleasure foods like chocolate, vanilla ice cream, or spicy foods?
◯ Never ◯ Sometimes ◯ Often ◯ All the Time
8. Do you feel you don’t have friends to have fun with in your life?
◯ Never ◯ Sometimes ◯ Often ◯ All the Time
9. Is your body extra sensitive to sound, light, or touch?
◯ Never ◯ Sometimes ◯ Often ◯ All the Time
10. Do you feel people really don’t understand or feel your pain?
◯ Never ◯ Sometimes ◯ Often ◯ All the Time
Total Score:
If you score is 15 or more you are probably experiencing symptoms associated with a loss of endorphins. Endorphins are chemicals in your brain that help you “feel good” overall and the ability to cope with pain.

1. Do you feel overwhelmed, pressured or deadlined?
◯ Never ◯ Sometimes ◯ Often ◯ All the Time
2.Do you feel tense when trying to relax?
◯ Never ◯ Sometimes ◯ Often ◯ All the Time
3. Does your stomach tend to knot when stressed?
◯ Never ◯ Sometimes ◯ Often ◯ All the Time
4. Do you feel your patience is running thin?
◯ Never ◯ Sometimes ◯ Often ◯ All the Time
5. Are you sensitive to bright light, chemical fumes, or loud noises?
◯ Never ◯ Sometimes ◯ Often ◯ All the Time
6. Do you feel significantly worse if you skip meals or go a long time without eating?
◯ Never ◯ Sometimes ◯ Often ◯ All the Time
7. Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed for no reason?
◯ Never ◯ Sometimes ◯ Often ◯ All the Time
8. Is it difficult to shut down your thoughts when you need to relax?
◯ Never ◯ Sometimes ◯ Often ◯ All the Time
9. Do you struggle with inner tension and anxiousness and keep it to yourself?
◯ Never ◯ Sometimes ◯ Often ◯ All the Time
10. Do you have a history of panic attacks or severe anxiety?
◯ Never ◯ Sometimes ◯ Often ◯ All the Time
Total Score:
If you score is 15 or more you are probably experiencing symptoms associated with GABA deficiency. Research shows GABA boosts the mood and has a calming, relaxing effect on the nervous system.

1. Do you have a decrease in your motivation for life?
◯ Never ◯ Sometimes ◯ Often ◯ All the Time
2.Do you have feelings of hopelessness?
◯ Never ◯ Sometimes ◯ Often ◯ All the Time
3. Do you have an inability to finish tasks and projects you started?
◯ Never ◯ Sometimes ◯ Often ◯ All the Time
4. Do you feel your always tired even though you slept the night before?
◯ Never ◯ Sometimes ◯ Often ◯ All the Time
5. Do you have a tendency to isolate yourself and lack of concern for your friends?
◯ Never ◯ Sometimes ◯ Often ◯ All the Time
6. Are you easily cold or do you notice you have cold hands or feet?
◯ Never ◯ Sometimes ◯ Often ◯ All the Time
7. Do you feel like you need caffeine to be alert daily?
◯ Never ◯ Sometimes ◯ Often ◯ All the Time
8. Do you struggle with feeling like a failure?
◯ Never ◯ Sometimes ◯ Often ◯ All the Time
9. Do you feel your libido has declined?
◯ Never ◯ Sometimes ◯ Often ◯ All the Time
10. Do you lose your temper for minor reasons?
◯ Never ◯ Sometimes ◯ Often ◯ All the Time
Total Score:
If you score is 18 or above then you are probably experiencing symptoms of low dopamine, epinephrine or norepinephrine. These are excitatory neurotransmitters that play a big part of the human ability to think, plan and enjoy life. Harmony is a wonderful thing.