What story will your hair
tell about you?

2.5 billion people worldwide suffer from severe vitamin and mineral deficiencies. The World Health Organization and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations have described this as “the hidden hunger.”
What Causes Mineral Deficiency?
- Stress
- Depleted nutrient deficiencies in our food products
- Pregnancy or breastfeeding
- Burns
- Excessive drinking of coffee, alcohol consumption, smoking
- Bleeding
- Working or living in noisy surroundings
- Harmful working and environmental conditions
- Age (children and elderly belong to the risk group)
- Some medications and birth control pills can inhibit the absorption of minerals
The body can manufacture many vitamins, but it cannot produce necessary trace minerals or get rid of many possible excesses.
Hair mineral analyses are screening tests only and do not diagnose disease. However, a properly interpreted hair analysis can reveal various mineral imbalances that indicate a tendency for various conditions. A hair mineral analysis provides a picture of body chemistry including:
What Will I Receive From my Hair Analysis Test?
- Includes the Entire Tissue Mineral Assay Test with charts.
- Comprehensive interpretation that lists trends, explains the results, and gives vitamin and mineral supplement recommendations.
- A thorough seventeen page customized booklet “all about you” for you to keep and refer to.
- Properly interpreted, hair analysis provides an excellent Rx for a healthier lifestyle!
Is Hair Analysis Testing Supported by Science?
How much Hair is Required for a Hair Analysis?
You really won’t miss it, as the hair is taken from the back of the head. The amount of hair required for a hair analysis is about a heaping teaspoon full. However, your hair analysis kit includes a “hair scale” so you can make certain you are submitting the proper amount of hair.
How can Vitamin Requirements be Determined from a Mineral Test?
Take a Look at Just a Few Examples:
· Vitamin C helps iron absorption and reduces copper retention
· Boron and iron influence the status of vitamin B2
· Vitamin B2 affects the relationship between calcium and magnesium
· Vitamin B1 enhances sodium retention
· B12 enhances iron and cobalt absorption
· Vitamin A enhances the utilization of zinc, while antagonizing vitamins D and E.
· Protein intake will affect zinc status, etc.
· Zinc is involved in the production, storage and secretion of insulin and is necessary for growth hormones.
· Magnesium is required for normal muscular function, especially the heart. A deficiency has been associated with an increased incidence of heart attacks, anxiety and nervousness. Potassium is critical for normal nutrient transport into the cell. A deficiency can result in muscular weakness, depression and lethargy. Excess sodium is associated with hypertension, but adequate amounts are required for normal health
In the words of the late author and noted researcher, Dr. Henry Schroeder, trace elements (minerals) are “…more important factors in human nutrition than vitamins.FDA DISCLAIMER: The statements made within this website have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. These statements and the products of this company are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
LEGAL DISCLAIMER: Please consult your physician before implementing any new diet, exercise and dietary supplement programs, especially if you have preexisting medical conditions or are taking prescribed medications. The statements made on this website are for educational purposes only and are not meant to replace the advice of your physician or healthcare provider.