The Advantages of Hair Analysis include:
- Collecting a hair sample (at home) is quick, easy, and non-invasive.
- Hair analysis is among the most cost-effective mineral analyses.
- Hair is less susceptible to erratic changes in the blood affecting trace element levels.
- Hair provides a long-term record of mineral excesses and deficiencies.
- Hair provides an accurate long-term record of biological activity (your metabolism).
- Hair is E.P.A. recognized for the assessment of toxic metals.
- Properly interpreted, hair analysis provides an excellent Rx for a healthier lifestyle!
Profile 2- Laboratory Mineral Assay and Progress/Comparison Interpretation
Includes the Entire Tissue Mineral Assay Test with charts and a comprehensive interpretation that lists trends, explains the results, and gives vitamin and mineral supplement recommendations. A thorough 17 page customized booklet “all about you” for you to keep and refer to.
Why is Hair Analysis Testing so Important?
Providing a mineral blueprint of one’s biochemistry, a hair tissue mineral analysis can provide pertinent information about one’s metabolic rate, energy levels, and stage of stress.
A hair tissue mineral analysis performed by Analytical Research Labs, Inc., is a screening test for the level of 20 minerals and toxic metals in a sample of hair. It is a tissue mineral biopsy that is non-invasive, relatively inexpensive and extremely accurate.
A hair tissue mineral analysis is considered a standard test used around the world for the biological monitoring of trace elements and toxic metals in humans and animals’ species. The same technology is used for soil testing and testing of rock samples to detect mineral levels.
Hair, like all other body tissues, contains minerals that are deposited as the hair grows. Although the hair is dead, the minerals remain as the hair continues to grow out. A sample of hair cut close to the scalp provides information about the mineral activity in the hair that took place over the past three to four months, depending on the rate of hair growth.
Hair tissue mineral analysis is supported by an impressive body of literature in a variety of respected national and international scientific publications. Over the past fifteen years, hair mineral testing has been extensive.
Each year in the United States alone, federally licensed clinical laboratories perform over 150,000 hair mineral assays for health care professionals interested in an additional screening aid for a comprehensive Client evaluation. This does not take into consideration the thousands of subjects used in numerous continuing research studies conducted by private and government research agencies.
What makes Analytical Research Labs Unique?
Mineral levels and ratios as determined by Analytical Research Labs for each individual are measured against an ‘ideal’ standard of health, rather than an ‘average’ standard as used by other laboratories. This renders our results more sensitive and meaningful to those people who aspire to optimum levels of health.
Analytical Research Labs, Inc. uses only the most advanced and sophisticated instrumentation available today, the Perkin Elmer ICP-MS nexION 2000B Mass Spectrometer to assess mineral levels in parts per million or parts per billion.
Our tests recognize biochemical individuality through determination of three basic oxidation types, thus providing a sound basis for an accurate and specific selection of nutrients based on the individual’s metabolism. Detrimental health effects arising from mismatching of nutrients with individual metabolism are therefore avoided.
We work with precise mineral levels and ratios rather than with the broad ranges employed by the majority of professionals engaged in hair analysis. As a result, we identify even slight deviations from ‘ideal’ values responsible for some disorders which would escape detection by other labs.
How much hair is required for a hair analysis?
The amount of hair required for a hair analysis is about a heaping teaspoon full. However, your hair analysis kit includes a “hair scale” so you can make certain you are submitting the proper amount of hair. For more details, see Hair Analysis Sample Collection Protocol.
How do I prepare my hair for an analysis?
For accuracy, we prefer untreated scalp hair (up to 1 1/2 inches of new growth from the scalp). Dyes, bleaches, gels, sprays, and other hair treatments could interfere with the accuracy of the results. In our view, this is unacceptable because an inaccurate analysis is not of any value.
Some labs will analyze treated hair but we don’t. You only need to wait for a few weeks until untreated hair is available for an analysis.
Prior to collecting your hair sample, simply shampoo your hair (leave out any conditioners) and let dry. This will remove your environmental contaminates and help assure accuracy of the results of your analysis. For more details, see Hair Analysis Sample
How much hair is required for a hair analysis?
Prior to collecting your hair sample, simply shampoo your hair (leave out any conditioners) and let dry. This will remove your environmental contaminates and help assure accuracy of the results of your analysis. For more details, see Hair Analysis Sample
Can I use hair other than scalp hair?
When using hair for a nutritional/toxic element analysis, we prefer scalp hair because it provides the most accurate metabolic record. Scalp hair is one of the most metabolically active tissues and grows at a more consistent rate than auxiliary hair such as chest, underarm, or pubic hair.
If scalp hair is not available, in descending order, pubic, auxiliary (e.g. beard, underarm) and nail clippings can also be used.
How do I collect a hair sample?
Collecting the sample is simple. Your kit includes a “hair scale” to ensure you collect the right amount.
You will collect your hair sample from the top and back of the head (draw an imaginary line across your head from the top of the ears) to the nape of the neck. This provides a wide area to collect samples.
Using stainless steel scissors merely cut 10 to 15 strands of hair at each site. Use multiple sites until your hair scale tips.
Cut the hair as close to the scalp as possible. Keep the first 1 ½ inches of the sample (closest to the scalp) and discard the rest. Place each sample on the hair scale until the scale tips.
Once the scale tips, indicating a sufficient weight of hair, simply place the hair sample into the hair sample lab envelop and then place the hair sample envelop (and Lab Submittal Form) into the mailing envelop with the lab address. For more details, see Hair Analysis Sample Collection Protocol.
Why test for minerals?
Trace minerals are essential in countless metabolic functions in all phases of the life process. Zinc is involved in the production, storage and secretion of insulin and is necessary for growth hormones. Magnesium is required for normal muscular function, especially the heart. A deficiency has been associated with an increased incidence of heart attacks, anxiety and nervousness. Potassium is critical for normal nutrient transport into the cell. A deficiency can result in muscular weakness, depression and lethargy. Excess sodium is associated with hypertension, but adequate amounts are required for normal health. For more details, see Why Test for Minerals
In the words of the late author and noted researcher, Dr. Henry Schroeder, trace elements (minerals) are “…more important factors in human nutrition than vitamins. The body can manufacture many vitamins, but it cannot produce necessary trace minerals or get rid ofmany possible excesses.”
How can Vitamin Requirements be Determined from a Mineral Test?
Minerals interact not only with each other but also with vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Minerals influence each of these factors, and they, in turn, influence mineral status. Minerals act as enzyme activators, and vitamins are synergistic to minerals as coenzymes. It is extremely rare that a mineral disturbance develops without a corresponding disturbance in the synergistic vitamin(s). It is also rare for a disturbance in the utilization or activity of a vitamin to occur without affecting a synergistic mineral(s).
For example:
Vitamin C helps iron absorption and reduces copper retention
Boron and iron influence the status of vitamin B2
Vitamin B2 affects the relationship between calcium and magnesium
Vitamin B1 enhances sodium retention
B12 enhances iron and cobalt absorption
Vitamin A enhances the utilization of zinc, while antagonizing vitamins D and E.
Protein intake will affect zinc status, etc. Therefore, evaluating mineral status provides good clues of vitamin status and requirements. Continuing research involves the recognition of many synergistic and antagonistic interrelationships between minerals and vitamins.
How does hair analysis test differ from blood and urine?
Keep in mind, a BLOOD TEST – URINE TEST – HAIR tissue mineral analysis are very different tests. Each test has its advantages and disadvantages in different situations. Each test must be used appropriately when advantageous and interpreted correctly to be of value.
TISSUE MINERAL ANALYSIS, done with a hair sample, allows the lab to determine that an imbalance exists, before the imbalance begins to manifest disturbances on a symptomatic level. Therefore, the imbalance can often be corrected through nutritional therapy even before a person begins to suffer from metabolic symptoms. A hair tissue mineral analysis is advantageous only as a long-term mineral (nutritional and toxic) analysis over a period of three months or so. Hair is one of the most metabolically active tissues of the body and it is not subject to homeostasis (constant changes to maintain metabolic balance). Hair is an excretory route but hair is formed by cells. As such, a hair tissue mineral analysis provides excretory information as well as cellular utilization information.
BLOOD tests provide information about your mineral levels (nutritional or toxic) circulating in the blood at the time of the test only. This is a “snapshot” of minerals (nutritional or toxic) and does not reflect cellular utilization. For example, if you’ve just eaten a banana, your blood test can indicate a high potassium level, even though your cellular level of potassium is extremely low. Potassium is an intracellular mineral, which means the majority of potassium resides inside the cell.
While mineral imbalances in the body do eventually show up in the blood serum, they will not do so until the condition is so advanced you are often experiencing overt symptoms.
URINE testing is an excretory route. Urine does provide valuable information (i.e., organic acids, toxic element exposure within hours) as well as other important information but it does not reflect mineral absorption or cellular utilization. There is certain testing that urine can be invaluable, for example, hormones.
How often do I need to re-test?
This depends on several factors that include:
- Think about how long you have not felt well.
- Think about the level of health you would like to achieve.
- Consider your level of commitment to the program.
- Consider how many unhealthy lifestyle habits you are willing to change.
- Keep in mind, the body will only heal at its own pace.